Badakhshan is one of the 34 provinces of Afghanistan , consisting of 28 districts. It is located in the north-east of the country, between the Hindu Kush and the Amu Darya .

Badakhshan was a stopover on the ancient Silk Road trading path, and China has shown great interest in the province after the fall of the Taliban, helping to reconstruct roads and infrastructure in the province.
Badakhshan's name was given by the Sassanids and derives from the word badaxš (an official Sassanian title). The suffix of the name, -an, means the region belonged to someone with the title badaxš (analogous to Azerbaijan , Isfahan , Tehran , etc.).


Fayzabad, the capital of Badakhshan, sits on the
The population of the province is estimated at 823,000 people. The majority of them are Persian-speaking Tajiks.
Districts Capital Population
Arghanj Khwa 12,000
Argo 45,000
Baharak Baharak 14,000
Darayim 65,000
Darwaz Nusay 21,000
Darwazi Bala 11,000
Fayzabad Fayzabad 46,000
Ishkashim Ishkashim 11,000
Jurm 3,000
Khash 48,000
Khwahan Khwahan 14,000
Kishim 63,000
Kohistan 12,000
Kuf Ab 16,000
Kuran wa Munjan Kuran wa Munjan 8,000
Ragh Ragh 37,000
Shahri Buzurg Shahri Buzurg 42,000
Shighnan 24,000
Shiki 26,000
Shuhada 31,000
Tagab 22,000
Tishkan 23,000
Wakhan 13,000
Warduj 17,000
Yaftali Sufla 39,000
Yamgan 20,000
Yawan 27,000
Zebak Zebak 7,000
Total 44,059 km2 (17,011.3 sq mi)
Persian, Pamiri, Pashto, Kyrgyz, Uzbek
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